Department Presentation
LIRMM’s robotics department includes about thirty permanent staff (researchers, professors, and engineers) and about thirty PhD and post-doctoral students. In order to design high-performance and safe robots, capable of operating in difficult environments or of collaborating in direct physical interaction with humans, the teams of the LIRMM’s robotics department work on the development and experimental validation of efficient, reliable and robust modeling, design, perception and control methods. The overall objective is to promote the development of fundamental tools and to bring them to maturity and industrial transfer.
These research and valorization works focus on medical and parallel robotics (DEXTER team), perception and underwater exploration robotics (EXPLORE and ICAR teams) as well as human-robot physical interaction and humanoid robotics (IDH team). The LIRMM’s robotics department research activities are applied in particular to manufacturing industry, healthcare, environment and human in his daily environment.

The Robotics platform is a technological platform dedicated to research, technology transfer and teaching. It is part of the national ROBOTEX network (equipment of excellence) of experimental robotics platforms. The Robotics platform brings together the hardware and software resources as well as the engineers involved in the development and maintenance of robots. Four experimental halls with a total surface area of more than 1000m2 house humanoid robots, parallel robots, underwater robots, mobile land robots, collaborative robots and surgical assistance robots.