At Cap Alpha the i-LAB laureates meet high school students in the presence of Mickaël Delafosse
On Thursday, October 29, 2020, the i-LAB laureates will meet high school students in the presence of Mickaël Delafosse.
Meeting between start-ups and high school students
At Cap Alpha, the three start-ups selected by i-LAB 2020 met high school students. During this day, high school students from three establishments in Montpellier had the opportunity to work and imagine three products or services related to the activities of the three winning startups of the i-LAB competition.
Among them, AcuSurgical, created by Christoph Spuhler in 2020, this start-up is working on the design of a robot for vitreoretinal surgery in collaboration with 2 LIRMM researchers, Yassine Haddab and Philippe Poignet. This start-up took advantage of initial funding from the SATT AxLR to realize its project. AcuSurgical’s robot should improve the precision and safety of the very delicate eye surgery and allow patients to be operated on earlier and safer.