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Congratulations to Michel Robert for his article in “The conversation”

LIRMM parité égalité les femmes au Lirmm

The physical reality of the digital world

In his novel The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco describes the organization, the conservation of data and the access to knowledge, seven centuries ago in the library of an abbey, which will end up burning, thus destroying the work of the copyist monks, the first artisans of redundancy before the invention of printing and then of computers.

Article also on the UM website :

Contact : Michel Robert

Photo: The Magasin Vauban, an old warehouse in the port of Strasbourg, converted into a data center.
Michael Kauffmann, Wikipedia, CC BY

TheConversation, Academic expertise, journalistic requirement

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Genesis project wins Best Paper Award

A publication on the Genesis project wins a Best Paper Award in the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. It is the fruit of collaboration between