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Afterwork “Generative AI for software engineering” on March 7, 2024 from 5pm


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The “Generative AI for software engineering” afterwork new date march 7 from 5pm

17:00 – Welcome and presentation of the Afterwork
Marianne HUCHARD – Professor – University of Montpellier – Director of LIRMM
“Code, Creativity, Control:
Generative AI in the World of Software Engineering”.

We explore the challenges of generative AI in software engineering, highlighting their potential and the dice they cause. Limitations include the variable quality of the results generated and sensitivity to training data. For effective use, it is crucial to understand the ethical implications, ensure transparency of models and regularly evaluate their performance. Pitfalls to avoid include over-reliance on models without human validation, biases embedded in training data and security risks associated with code generation.

17:15 – 17:45
Mathieu LAFOURCADE – Senior Lecturer – University of Montpellier – LIRMM

17:45 – 18:15
Abdelhak-Djamel SERIAI – Senior Lecturer – University of Montpellier – LIRMM

18:15 – 18:45- Live Coding

18:45 – 19:15 – Discussion

From 19:15 – Discussion over an Aperitif dînatoire

Registration to come

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Katharina Boudgoust and network cryptography

Katharina Boudgoust’s work highlighted on our institute’s website: Katharina Boudgoust joined the LIRMM in 2023 as a member of the ECO team in the