In accordance with the Lab’s statutes, our everyday activities are governed by various steering bodies:
- The Management Board meets at least twice a month;
- The Lab Council meets once a month;
- The Inter-Team Committee meets at least 6 times a year;
- The Scientific Council meets once a month;
- The PhD Council meets twice a quarter.
Upon the request of the Executive Team, several commissions also work on specific issues, such as budgets, the Lab’s library, hygiene and safety, premises management, industrial valuation, Internet/ Intranet/Information Systems/IS, network user requirements, etc. Selected members of each commission belong to the various steering bodies and act as links with them.
The Management Board The Management Board is composed of the Executive Team, the Director of Central Services and the three Department Heads. This body meets almost every week.
The Lab Council
The Lab Council comprises 20 members, including: – 1 ex-officio member: the Executive Director – 13 elected members – 6 appointed members Deputy Directors and the Director of Central Services are permanent guest members. The Lab Council meets once a month. This advisory body is a critical element of the Lab’s daily life.The Inter-Team Committee
The Inter-Team Committee (in French : Comité Inter-Equipes du Laboratoire, CIEL) is composed of the Executive Team, the Heads of Departments and the Team Leaders. The Executive Team may invite any guest whose presence they deem useful. The CIEL provides a forum for exchange on matters of Lab life and scientific policy.
The Executive Team convenes CIEL meetings at least 6 times a year.
The Scientific Council
The LIRMM’s Scientific Council is composed of scientific personalities from the outside world, selected for their expertise in the scientific domains targeted by the Lab.
The following people attend the Scientific Council as guest members but do not participate in its deliberations:
- The Executive Team;
- The Department Heads;
- A Representative from each of the two supervisory Sponsors (UM and CNRS);
- Any person whose presence is deemed necessary by the Lab’s Director.
The PhD Council
The PhD Council is composed of:
- Representatives of the PhD students from the three Departments;
- PhD students who are elected and appointed to the Lab Council;
- LIRMM PhD students who are elected to the Doctoral School Council;
- PhD students who are elected to one of the central councils of our supervisory sponsors and partners.
The PhD Council elects a President, who becomes the official interface with the Lab’s Executive Team.