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EXPLORE Team: Robotique mobile pour l’exploration de l’environnement



Exploration and Robotics for the environnement

The EXPLORE team works mainly on underwater robotics. Its challenge is to design an underwater robotic systems that can safely carry out complex missions in full autonomy, despite the severity of the constraints imposed by the aquatic environment?

Its research activities concerns the design and the development of theoritical and experimental tools for mobile robot exploration.

The complemenrary competencies of the team members allow to propose and implement new solutions on robots using a fault tolerant control architecture offering several autonomy levels and performance guarantees.

Web-site :

You-Tube :


Transects in Mayotte

Sébastien Druon, Maître de conférences, UM
Jean Triboulet, Maître de conférences, U Nîmes
Didier Crestani, Professeur des universités, UM
Lionel Lapierre, Maître de conférences, UM

Associates & Students

Regular Co-workers
Tho Dang Huu, CDD Enseignant-Chercheur, UM
Nadine Jacquet, CDD Ingénieur-Technicien, CNRS
Philippe Lambert, CDD Chercheur, UM

  • Design, modeling and control of underwater robots
  • Safety / fault tolerance
  • Performance guaranty
  • Environment modeling
  • Underwater Robotics
  • Land Robotics
  • Software architecture

The EXPLORE team’s platforms

  • 2020-2022: Project LEZ 2020 – (leader L. Lapierre) – Fundings: FEDER
    This project aims to map the LEZ source supplying Montpellier city with drinking water.
  • 2019-2022: BuBOT (Better Understanding Biodiversity changes thanks to new Observation Tools) (leader K. Godary-Dejean) – Fundings:  I-Site Muse. Website :
    This project aims to develop low-cost underwater robots for marine biodiversity observation.
  • 2018-2022 : Project SUPERBEELIVE (leaders J. Triboulet & S. Druon) – Fundings: MUSE
    This project aims to design an instrumented hive allowing the real time follow-up of a colony of bees.
  • 2018-2019:  DEDAL – (leader R. Zapata) – Fundings: NAVAL
    This project works on advanced algorithms for path generation.
  • 2016-2020: Flaship project : ALEYIN – (leader L. Lapierre)  – Fundings: Labex Numev
    The Aleyin project objective is to design an underwater robot for confined environments. It focuses on karstic exploration.
  • 2016-2019: REEA (Robotics for Exploration of the Aquatic Environment)  – (leader L. Lapierre) – Fundings: Agglomération de Béziers
    This design project concerns underwater robotics for exploration
  • 2011-2017 :  Project PHLEBOSTHENE (leader J. Triboulet) – Fundings: SATT
    This project aims to design a device for biomechanical measurements of vessels and volumetric analysis of limbs.