Complex systems, automata and tilings
Web site of the group in English:
The research topics of the ESCAPE team cover a wide range of theoretical discrete complex systems and computational models (tilings, cellular automata, infinite words, etc.). We study the connections between these objects and the many notions of complexity associated (algorithmic, descriptive, combinatorial, etc.). We are particularly interested in using results and techniques that were developped for the study of one such object to obtain new insight into the properties of another.
Alexander Shen, Directeur de recherche, CNRS
Bruno Durand, Professeur des universités, UM
Patrice Séébold, Professeur des universités, UPVM
Matthieu Rosenfeld, Maître de conférences, UM
Victor Poupet, Maître de conférences, UM
Gwenaël Richomme, Professeur des universités, UPVM
Nicolas Serrurier Gourvès, Adjoint technique, UM
Associates & Students
Geoffroy Caillat Grenier, UM
Regular Co-workers
Van Vuong Bui, CDD Chercheur, UM
- Tilings
- Cellular automata
- Turing machines
- Finite and inifinite words and morphisms
- Computability
- Complexity
- Combinatorics
- Logic
- Set theory
- Algorithmics
International :
- Leonid Levin et Peter Gacs – Boston University, USA
- Theodore Slaman – Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA
- Jarkko Kari – University of Turku, Finlande
- Nikolai Vereshchagin – Moscow University, Russia
- Menachem Magidor – Hebrew U. Jérusalem, Israël
- Katsunobu Imai – Hiroshima University, Japan
National :
- Emmanuel Jeandel – Loria, Nancy
- Nicolas Ollinger – LIFO, Orléans
- Enrico Formenti – I3S, Nice
- Laurent Bienvenu – LIAFA, Paris
- Gaëtan Richard – Greyc, Caen
The ESCAPE team hosts a common research seminar with the ECO team. Presentations are given either by invited external speakers or members of the hosting teams (roughly half each). It is currently organized by Bruno Grenet and Andrei Romashchenko.
Title: L’inférence d’inégalités d’information non classiques et leurs applications.
PhD defendant: Emirhan Gürpinar
Defense date: 2022-12-08
Thesis directors:
Alexander Shen,
Andrei Romashchenko
Title: Étude de la complexité algorithmique et du caractère sofic des shifts en dimension deux
PhD defendant: Julien Destombes
Defense date: 2021-12-17
Thesis director:
Andrei Romashchenko
Title: Couverture d’un mot bidimensionnel par un motif chevauchant
PhD defendant: Guilhem Gamard
Defense date: 2017-06-30
Thesis director:
Gwenaël Richomme
Title: Reconnaissance de Langage en temps réel sur automates cellulaires 2D
PhD defendant: Anael Grandjean
Defense date: 2016-12-06
Thesis director:
Bruno Durand
Title: Construction de liens entre algorithmique et logique par du calcul à temps infini.
PhD defendant: Sabrina Ouazzani
Defense date: 2016-12-02
Thesis director:
Bruno Durand