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Conference-debate “The contribution of robotics to the repaired human being” – Tribute to Jean-Paul Laumond


As part of the “Conference-debate” of the Academy of Sciences, a conference entitled “Contribution of robotics to the repaired Man” will take place on Tuesday 12 April 2022 from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. in the Grande salle des séances of the Institut de France, as well as a tribute to Jean-Paul Laumond.
Abderrahman KHEDDAR, from the IDH team, will also give a talk on the Human Machine.
If you wish to participate, you must register before 11 April.
Link to programme and registration :

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Genesis project wins Best Paper Award

A publication on the Genesis project wins a Best Paper Award in the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. It is the fruit of collaboration between