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Inauguration of the new supercomputer, Adastra, installed at CINES


Acquired by France via GENCI in 2022, the Adastra supercomputer was inaugurated on 4 May at CINES in Montpellier.

This new instrument is a major technological asset for French research. With a computing capacity of 74 PFlop/s, it is one of the most powerful in Europe.
This new state-of-the-art supercomputer, which takes its name from the Latin phrase “Ad astra per aspera” (translated as “By arduous paths to the stars”), is now installed and put at the service of the academic and industrial scientific communities by GENCI and CINES as part of open research.

More : New supercomputer, Adastra, installed at CINES


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Katharina Boudgoust and network cryptography

Katharina Boudgoust’s work highlighted on our institute’s website: Katharina Boudgoust joined the LIRMM in 2023 as a member of the ECO team in the