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Next LIRMM seminar: “Integrated water resource management” on Thursday 22 June at the Institut Agro Montpellier


The aim of this seminar is to present the digital technologies developed by the LIRMM research teams and their academic and industrial partners in the following areas:

  • Exploration robotics technologies;
  • Artificial intelligence computing tools for analysing and exploiting data, modelling and characterising water resources;
  • Embedded systems as tools for monitoring and analysis in the field.

A round table and a poster session will give those working in the field an opportunity to express their needs and discuss with the researchers in order to develop new projects.

Programme and registration:

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Katharina Boudgoust and network cryptography

Katharina Boudgoust’s work highlighted on our institute’s website: Katharina Boudgoust joined the LIRMM in 2023 as a member of the ECO team in the