Cédric Villani visited CINES as part of the citizens’ convention organised by the Metropole of Montpellier on the subject of Artificial Intelligence.
The aim of this citizens’ convention is to involve around forty citizens chosen by a specialist panellist to be representative. It is part of a much broader and richer approach in Montpellier, including an AI Cluster project led scientifically by Gabriel Krouk of the CNRS and politically by Anne Laurent of the LIRMM. The aim is to bring together the academic and private forces in our ecosystem to build an AI project at the interface with ‘Nourish, Care, Protect’, with the support of the local authorities (Metropole, Region and Département).
A letter of intent was submitted in July and the project was shortlisted. Mobilisation remains very strong and is evident in the areas of research excellence in Artificial Intelligence, methodological and infrastructure projects aimed at the “massification of AI uses”, and training and awareness-raising initiatives aimed at the general public.
So the LIRMM has a very special place here!