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EPITRANSDIAG wins the Innovation Awards in the Life Sciences category


This innovation is the fruit of a consortium co-led by Alexandre David, researcher at the Institute of Functional Genomics (IGH), Christophe Hirtz, teacher-researcher in charge of the Montpellier clinical proteomics platform, and Eric Rivals, researcher at the Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics and Microelectronics (Lirmm). By studying the chemical modifications of RNA through analysis of the epitranscriptome, the aim is to develop innovative tools in association with machine learning, and ultimately to open up new therapeutic prospects in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. A patent has already been filed, and according to Alexandre David, the aim is to develop cutting-edge ‘RNA chemistry’ in Montpellier. The project has already given rise to the first clinical platform for mass spectrometry of chemical modifications of RNA in France.

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Katharina Boudgoust and network cryptography

Katharina Boudgoust’s work highlighted on our institute’s website: Katharina Boudgoust joined the LIRMM in 2023 as a member of the ECO team in the