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“Designing more energy-efficient data centres”, a great article on the Genesis project


The quantity of digital data created or replicated across the globe continues to swell. Between 2010 and 2020, it rose from 2 zettabytes (ZB) – or 2 trillion gigabytes (GB) – to 64 ZB. Worse still, forecasts predict a total of 181 ZB in 2025 (Statista study, 2021). This increase has an impact on energy consumption, as digital services represent between 6-10% of global electricity expenditure. In France, it is estimated at 10%. “According to the French ecological transition agency ADEME1, this is equal to the electricity consumption of a 1,000 watt radiator that each French person would run non-stop for 30 days,” stresses Abdoulaye Gamatié, a research professor at the Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotics, and Microelectronics of Montpellier (LIRMM)

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Photo credit: © Scott Rodgerson sur Unsplash

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Genesis project wins Best Paper Award

A publication on the Genesis project wins a Best Paper Award in the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. It is the fruit of collaboration between