Image & Interaction
The ICAR (Image & Interaction) team brings together researchers from the two departments of Robotics and Computer Science around the theme of “image” and more generally visual data. It is currently made up of 9 permanent members, academics and CNRS, but also includes among its regular collaborators several university hospital doctors using medical imaging, researchers in remote sensing from the TETIS laboratory and in modelling for agronomy from CIRAD.
The ICAR team develops research themes combining the interaction and processing of visual data such as 2D, 3D, multi-spectral (nD) images, videos or nD+t image sequences and 3D objects, whether in the form of 3D meshes or parametric modelling.
The team is structured along 4 research axes
- Analysis & processing;
- Multimedia Security;
- Modelling & Visualisation;
- Artificial Intelligence for visual data.
Noura Faraj, Maître de conférences, UM
Nicolas Lutz, Maître de conférences, UM
Emmanuel Faure, Chargé de recherche, CNRS
Marc Chaumont, Maître de conférences, U Nîmes
William Puech, Professeur des universités, UM
Frédéric Comby, Maître de conférences, UM
Christophe Fiorio, Professeur des universités, UM
Olivier Strauss, Professeur des universités, UM
Gérard Subsol, Chargé de recherche, CNRS
Associates and Students
Ange Clement, Société GEOMETRY FACTORY
Khelian Larvet, Stratégies
Erwan Reinders, Drone Geofencing
Axel Dubar, CNRS
Kevin Planolles, UM
Tristan Cossin, TeraWT
Guillaume Fourret, Drone Geofencing
Mathieu Ladeuil, Game Source Studio
Eugenio Dias Ribeiro Neto, UM
Marc Hartley, UM
Thibault De Villèle, UM
Cyril Barrelet, UM
Guillaume Picaud, CICAT Occitanie Montpellier
Regular Co-workers
Nefissa Khiari, CDD Enseignant-Chercheur, UPVM
Dorian Kauffmann, CDD Ingénieur-Technicien, CNRS
Nadine Jacquet, CDD Ingénieur-Technicien, CNRS
Guillaume Captier, Associé, UM
Magali Bourgoin, Doctorant externe, CHU Mtp
Guillaume Gay, Invité longue durée Mission longue, UM
Mathieu Noizet, ATER, UM
Amal Rihani, ATER, UM
Norman Hutte, CDD Ingénieur-Technicien, CNRS
The ICAR team is structured along 4 research axes:
- The Analysis & Processing axis is interested in new low-level information processing techniques to improve the perceptible information in the image and to take into account, in the same theoretical framework, the imprecise, the uncertain and the incomplete (the different types of error in visual data processing).
- The Multimedia Security axis is concerned with the securing of visual data. In order to ensure this security, coding algorithms are developed that combine watermarking, steganography, forensics, encryption and authentication and often require robustness to compression.
- The objective of the Modelling & Visualisation axis is to model large sets of complex data (in dimension and nature) in order to allow intuitive visualisation or to manipulate these data to extract knowledge.
- A transverse Artificial Intelligence axis for visual data has recently been set up. The team’s researchers have focused on promising Deep Learning methods and are developing new methodologies to design innovative network architectures or post-processing modules to exploit information from the last layers of a network, but also to implement coherent database construction procedures to optimise results.
Some of the team’s algorithms are available on the team’s website.
The ICAR team’s activity is divided between research, doctoral training (17 theses in progress) and industrial development, in particular via CIFRE agreements. In addition, all the members of the team are strongly involved in university training courses in the Occitanie-Est region (Béziers, Montpellier, Nîmes) related to images.
ICAR team awards and distinctions from 2017 to 2022 :
- January 2022: Marc Chaumont was nominated IEEE Senior Member.
- December 2021: Vincent Creuze received the 2021 Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Systems Innovation Prize of Montpellier Université Excellence. https://www.umontpellier.fr/articles/cinq-chercheuses-et-chercheurs-recoivent-les-prix-2021-de-linnovation-montpellier-universite-dexcellence
- November 2021 : Hugo Ruiz and Bianca Jansen Van Rensburg (and also Lara Bertojo) presented their work at CORESA 2021, Sophia Antipolis (France). Laura and Hugo’s papers were selected to be submitted in a long version in the international journal Signal Processing: Image Communication. https://coresa2020.sciencesconf.org/
- September 2020: ICIP 2020 Top Reviewer Recognition for Marc Chaumont. https://2020.ieeeicip.org/2020/09/30/icip-2020-top-reviewer/
- May 2020: PhD Thesis Award for Florentin Kucharczak by the French Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, the French Chapter of IEEE EMBS and AGBM. https://sfgbm.fr/archives/11051
- November 2019: Noura Faraj received the Vladimir Lorman Prize for the Best Poster Presentation of the 8th scientific days of the LabEx NUMEV.
- Sept 2019: Pauline Puteaux won the Three Minute Thesis Presentation Award aat ICIP 2019 in Taipei (Taiwan). https://www.2019.ieeeicip.org/2019.ieeeicip.org/indexe77f.html?action=page4&id=16
- 2019 : Prix de thèse du Département Traitement de l’Information et Systèmes de l’ONERA pour Maxime Ferrera. https://www.onera.fr/fr/rejoindre-onera/prix-des-doctorants
- December 2018: Christophe Fiorio was bestowed the Knight’s title in the Order of the Academic Palms.
- August 2018: A paper written by Christophe Destruel, Vincent Itier, Olivier Strauss and William Puech received the Top 5% Award at IEEE 20th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Vancouver (Canada). https://people.ece.ubc.ca/~mmsp2018/awards/
- May 2018: Sébastien Villon, Ph.D. student received the 1st prize for best poster presentation at World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Montreal (Canada).
- FUI RIDER project (2009-2013): the objective of the RIDER project (Reasearch for IT Driven EneRgy efficiency) is to develop an innovative information system to optimise the energy consumption of a building or a group of buildings. The consortium is made up of LIRMM, IES, PROMES (University of Perpignan), and industrial partners IBM, EDF, Cofely GDF-Suez, Pyrescom, Coronis, ASA and Enoleo.
- NaturalPad (2013): NaturalPad, created by former LIRMM PhD students, develops serious games for therapeutic purposes, in collaboration with LIRMM and M2H, using consumer interfaces (Wii, Kinect, cameras).
- ALCI (2012): created by former LIRMM PhD students, it specialises in robotics and vision. We enabled them to detect, only with camera control, multiple defects in the manufacture of clay roof tiles, such as cracks and creep. Thanks to these algorithms, ALCI was able to create a robot that is now on the production line.
- CNRS PEPS SEMYO project (2012-2013): this project coordinated by the LIRMM, in partnership with the Pitié-Salpêtrière Institute of Myology in Paris and INRIA Grenoble, deals with the automatic analysis of MRI images of the human musculoskeletal system. The aim is to improve the diagnosis and computer-assisted monitoring of myopathies.
- The VOODDO project (2007-2010) of the ANR Audiovisual and Multimedia: this allowed us to collaborate with the regional company Vodnet, the National Rugby League and the MAORE team of the LIRMM in order to protect the distribution of sports videos on the Internet.
Title: Prédiction de données socio-économiques à partir d’une séquence d’images satellites par apprentissage profond
PhD defendant: Robin Jarry
Defense date: 2024-09-20
Thesis director:
Marc Chaumont
Title: Une nouvelle fonction d’agrégation intervalliste et son utilisation en tant que modèle d’apprentissage automatique pour la régression
PhD defendant: Yassine Hmidy
Defense date: 2023-12-12
Thesis director:
Olivier Strauss
Title: Sécurisation des données 3D par insertion de données cachées et par chiffrement pour l’industrie de la mode
PhD defendant: Bianca Jansen Van Rensburg
Defense date: 2023-11-09
Thesis director:
William Puech
Title: Classification des Séries Temporelles d’Images Astronomiques Utilisant l’Apprentissage Profond
PhD defendant: Anass Bairouk
Defense date: 2023-10-17
Thesis director:
Marc Chaumont
Title: Analyse de modèles 3D dentaires et gestion de connaissances pour l’aide au diagnostic orthodontique
PhD defendant: Maxime Chapuis
Defense date: 2022-12-13
Thesis directors:
William Puech,
Mathieu Lafourcade
Title: Vers une autonomie robotique dexploration et de reconstruction simultanées denvironnements complexes
PhD defendant: Anthony Brunel
Defense date: 2022-11-18
Thesis director:
Olivier Strauss
Title: Inspection de pièces manufacturées par imagerie terahertz en régime perturbé
PhD defendant: Morgan Fouque
Defense date: 2022-09-20
Thesis director:
Olivier Strauss
Title: Détection/reconnaissance d’objets urbains à partir de données 3D multicapteurs prises au niveau du sol, en continu
PhD defendant: Younes Zegaoui
Defense date: 2021-10-12
Thesis director:
Marc Chaumont
Title: Batch Steganography et Pooled Steganalysis dans les images JPEG
PhD defendant: Ahmad Zakaria
Defense date: 2020-11-26
Thesis director:
Marc Chaumont
Title: Analyse et traitement des images dans le domaine chiffré
PhD defendant: Pauline Puteaux
Defense date: 2020-10-09
Thesis director:
William Puech
Title: Etude et conception d’environnements de formation pertinents en Réalité Virtuelle
PhD defendant: Jean-Daniel Taupiac
Defense date: 2020-07-20
Thesis director:
Olivier Strauss
Title: Contribution à la génération de cartes 3D-couleur de milieux naturels à partir de données d’un système multicapteur pour drone
PhD defendant: Quentin Péntek
Defense date: 2020-02-07
Thesis directors:
Olivier Strauss,
Christophe Fiorio
Title: (CONTRAT DOCTORAL) Conception d’une charge utile basée vision pour la localisation autonome d’un robot sous-marin et la cartographie de précision.
PhD defendant: Maxime Ferrera
Defense date: 2019-12-12
Thesis director:
Vincent Creuze
Title: Surface de symétrie dune structure 3D : application à létude des déformations scoliotiques du dos
PhD defendant: Marion Morand
Defense date: 2019-12-10
Thesis director:
Christophe Fiorio
Title: Steganalyse et stéganographie par apprentissage profond
PhD defendant: Mehdi Yedroudj
Defense date: 2019-11-26
Thesis director:
Marc Chaumont
Title: Sécurisation des maillages 3D pour l’industrie de la chaussure et la maroquinerie
PhD defendant: Sébastien Beugnon
Defense date: 2019-11-07
Thesis director:
William Puech
Title: Quantification en tomographie par émission de positons au moyen d’un algorithme itératif par intervalles. Contributions au diagnostic de démences neurodégénératives.
PhD defendant: Florentin Kucharczak
Defense date: 2019-11-05
Thesis director:
Olivier Strauss
Title: contrôle non destructif par reconstruction en tomographieterahertz
PhD defendant: Alexandre Duhant
Defense date: 2019-06-13
Thesis director:
Olivier Strauss
Title: Localisation d’objets urbains à partir de sources multiples dont des images aériennes
PhD defendant: Lionel Pibre
Defense date: 2018-11-30
Thesis director:
Marc Chaumont
Title: Reconstruction dun modèle géométrique à partir dun maillage 3D issu dun scanner surfacique
PhD defendant: Silvere Gauthier
Defense date: 2018-10-17
Thesis director:
William Puech
Title: Modélisation statistique de la géométrie 3D de la cage thoracique à partir d’images médicales en vue de personnaliser un modèle numérique de corps humain pour la biomécanique du choc automobile.
PhD defendant: Baptiste Moreau
Defense date: 2018-03-14
Thesis director:
William Puech
Title: Vision et reconstruction 3D : Application à la robotique mobile
PhD defendant: Rihab Hmida
Defense date: 2016-12-16
Thesis director:
René Zapata
Title: Modélisation, détection et classification d’objets urbains à partir dimages photographiques aériennes
PhD defendant: Jérome Pasquet
Defense date: 2016-11-03
Thesis director:
Marc Chaumont
Title: Identification du système d’acquisition d’images médicales à partir d’analyse du bruit
PhD defendant: Anas Kharboutly
Defense date: 2016-09-13
Thesis director:
William Puech