Dans le cadre des actions de l’Axe transverse du LIRMM IA et Science des données (https://www.lirmm.fr/intelligence-artificielle/) :
Le jeudi 30 novembre à partir de 10h (accueil café), aura lieu le séminaire d’Agata Gurzawska sur l’Ethique et l’IA. (début du séminaire à 10H30) dans l’Amphi Jean-Jacques Moreau – bâtiment 2 – Campus St Priest
Speaker: Agata Gurzawska
Bio: Agata Gurzawska is a Research Manager at Trilateral Research Ireland leading Ethics, Human Rights and Emerging Technologies research cluster. Specifically, she leads Trilateral’s research related to responsible and sustainable innovation, human rights and ethics of technology. Her areas of expertise encompass responsible and sustainable innovation in the business context, ethics of technology, human rights and business, and strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR). https://trilateralresearch.com/about
Abstract: As AI is a revolutionary part of the digital era. AI is being infused into every aspect of our lives, which means that this technology has a tremendous impact on us all. With the arrival of more disruptive technologies, it is important and urgent to have systemic solutions to integrate responsibility into technology development and management. There is a growing discourse about embedding ethics and trustworthiness in AI-enabled technologies, however hands-on and practical solutions for incorporating responsibility into research and innovation (R&I) process are still lacking. The R&I is not a single action, idea, or invention of a single new device but rather an integrated process involving various phases. The R&I process is not necessarily linear, it involves various feedback-loops and a high level of uncertainty and risk. In this context, there is a need for practical solutions to translate and operationalise human rights and ethics in a meaningful way throughout the lifecycle of AI (i.e., from ideation, requirements gathering and design, to product development, demonstration, testing, product commercialisation, including issues related to the production and disposal of physical systems that enable and embed AI, as well as environmental concerns related to data storage). In this presentation, I will bridge the fields of ethics, human rights, and innovation management to incorporate responsible innovation into the development of technology.
Nous comptons sur votre participation !
Plus d’infos : Konstantin Todorov (konstantin.todorov@lirmm.fr)